Reach the World; How to be an Explorer
Rosalind Groenewoud celebrates her mileage midday in Botswana
Southwestern Montana is an area of extremes, winters so cold you stop noting the negative on temperatures and high desert summers that scald and desiccate. It is humbling to witness wildlife and plant life that can survive both -40 and high 90s. But if you are willing to embrace these extremes it is one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Roz and I rest our tired sunburnt bodies after our first Century, 100 mile day
My main goal when I graduated from college was to travel overseas. I had been overseas three times by that point, twice to Italy and once to Cape Town, South Africa and I was in love. Even after living in 6 countries and traveling to all but one continent, I still love meeting new people, finding all have in common, rising to the daily the challenges, exploring new places, finding new parts of myself, feeling a sense of wonder and my small part in this big beautiful planet we all need to protect.
But to travel I need money, so I worked as a teacher, a farm hand, and a designer for many years in different countries to pay my way before finally becoming a photographer. I always looked for jobs which allowed me to travel or were specific to travel, and I am always open to a new adventure arising when I least expect it.
As a photographer, I am a story teller so I get to be curious every day, to immerse myself in people’s lives and learn about them. I get to ask questions, to learn and listen, to really connect, to let people feel special. This is very important to me, we all want this, I think, and some of the people I meet have a very hard life so I am grateful that I can help them. And I love my work because whether it stopping as I pass a maple syrup sugaring shack on a bike ride in New England or walking by women farming in Malawi, my camera gives me an excuse to stop and ask what they are doing. And people are wonderful, they always want to share their story. Of course, you can do this too, but the truth is, I am actually a bit shy, and for me, my camera is a wonderful excuse, it is my permission to be brave when I might otherwise hide.
My advice is that you don't have to become a professional storyteller or Explorer, to be an explorer in life. Be curious, ask the silly question, let your imagination run wild and lead you wonderful places. And don't be afraid of making mistakes or "looking silly," welcome to the life of a traveler. I had no idea how to use a toilet in Gujarat India, how to eat from a communal plate with my family in Malawi, how to be respectful at a temple in the high Mustang of Nepal, or how to be a good party guest in Sicily - you learn by trying and laughing at your mistakes, and being humble. Mistakes are how we learn, they are good.
A secret a lot of adults won't tell you is that adults actually try to recapture the wisdom we had when we were younger. When I was a designer, I worked with other artists and designers, scientists and business people, teaching them how to play and explore, to be curious and willing to make mistakes, because they had forgotten how to simply be brave and playful, to explore which is actually so important in business and in life. So likely you already are more of an explorer than you thought. You already are curious, and you have an awful lot of wisdom. As you learn, learn, but don't ever lose the wisdom of your curiosity! That is what makes you an explorer. That and doing things you are passionate about even when they scare you.
Many people have been drawn to the appeal of southwestern Montana in the last 5 years and every season I return I am saddened to see development expanding at a rate which is both shocking and unwise. We are threatening the very beauty which has drawn us to the region. There are smart manners of development and controls but I am not sure any of this is being applied, and each year droughts and fire seasons increase, while the population grows putting more pressure on the wild spaces. Wild spaces which I have been learning over the last 15 years are far smaller than they seem and debatably adequate for the wildlife we value so much. And of course we do have an enormous impact on these spaces, damaging them in so many ways direct and indirectly. It is a heartbreaking kind of love.
But if loving something means you want to protect it, I hope the population boom will bring attention to the conservation issues and people who come because they love the wild spaces will help protect them for future generations. These extraordinary places are too beautiful and sacred to do anything less.