A woman's right to choose

A few weeks ago I had the extraordinary opportunity to direct a film about women exercising a vital American freedom, the right to choose with Windy Films and Planned Parenthood. Although it is very hard to believe that we are in a moment when progress could roll back, but the defense of women's reproductive health and choice stands in the hand's of two senators, Sen Susan Collins of Maine and Alaska's Sen Lisa Murkowski.
Our film crew traversed the State of Maine holding space for amazing fierce women to share their own personal stories. We put in extremely long days, and over a 1000 miles, to show a true story of Maine, which is in fact a microcosm of America at this moment. Although I was the director, storytelling and interviewer, my education in the complexity and nuance of choice was a powerful one, and I was so humbled to meet the families shaped by their choices, and be offered so much of their lives.
The 30 second documentary edits were on the air in Maine within a week, with the aim of urgently reaching Sen Susan Collins to see the more nuanced stories and protect freedoms, precedent and women. This extremely rapid turn around was due to the urgency around the SCOTUS hearings for Brett Kavanaugh. Windy also created 60 second audio cuts which are on air, but most exciting, I hope to share the long form 13 minute compilation of all the stories here soon.
It was an honor to be a part of, and an education, because until we walk the path ourselves, we simply cannot know what it would be, or we would in fact choose to do, or choose not to do, and that is why this freedom is so imperative.