March 31, 2020
I wrote this last winter, about the magical day two summers ago when my mother and I spent our last evening at the beach together. It is a place which shaped both of us, the arc of each of our lives, has been the true north in our family and our greatest comfort, and this brief blessed time together helped me finally let her go, or who she once was.
This piece was published, along with my photographs, March 31 this year in Juliet Magazine. Juliet, and recently opened Peregrine, are award winning restaurants co-founded by Josh Lelwin and Katrina Jazayeri. They are a progressive restaurant creating greater equity and quality of life for staff through wage sharing and on the job skill training to advance everyone in their careers.
You can read Juliet Magazine articles online and find an August Goodbye here.
Please consider supporting Juliet and Peregrine in this challenging time by ordering takeout Family Meal and you can add on the Magazine to your order to support the team, and the creatives like myself who contributed to the publications.